Our Projects

Period Packs

We are once again providing our local elementary school aged girls in our community with “Period Packs”. This is a Community Project and we would love your help to support this effort. If you would like to donate items from the list below, please contact us at womansclubalachua@gmail.com

Items you can help purchase:
1. Sanitary Pads (all sizes, any brands, NO tampons please)
2. Girls underwear (Sizes 7/8, 9/10, 11/12, 13/14, woman’s small)
3. Ziploc Sandwich Baggie Size (can be generic too)
4. Cleansing hygiene wipes (individual packs, any brand)
5. Small bottles of Hand Sanitizer
6. Small zipper pouch bags to hold all the items above
7. Girls leggings or jeggings (for those accident days)

out Young Reader School Books

Every Halloween, we hand out 100’s of reading books to every child who visits the club during the Alachua Main Street “Trick or Treat” on Main Street event. We are looking for donations now to have ready for the big night and if you would like to donate books please contact us at womansclubalachua@gmail.com